Roman Blind measuring Guide

Roman blinds can be fitted either inside or outside the window recess. Follow the appropriate instructions below to ensure a perfect fit.

When to Fit Blinds Outside the Recess:

It may be necessary to fit your Roman blind outside the window recess if:

  • The recess depth is less than 7.5 cm.
  • The window opens inwards.
  • The window recess is not straight, meaning the width or height varies by more than 2 cm.

Inside Recess Fitting:

If you choose to fit your Roman blind inside the window recess, follow these steps:

  1. Check for obstructions inside the recess, such as handles or locks, that may prevent the blind from lowering or drawing correctly.
  2. Measure the width: Measure from wall to wall in three different places (top, middle, and bottom of the recess). Record the smallest measurement.
  3. Measure the drop: Measure from the top to the bottom of the recess in three places (left, centre, and right). Record the smallest measurement.
  4. Note: We will deduct approximately 1 cm from the width measurement you provide to ensure the blind fits perfectly inside the recess.

Outside Recess Fitting:

If you prefer or need to fit your Roman blind outside the window recess, follow these steps:

  1. Measure the width: Decide how far you want the blind to extend beyond the recess on either side. We recommend allowing the blind to extend approximately 10 cm on each side.
  2. Measure the drop: Measure from the point where you want the top of the blind to start to where you want it to finish. We recommend extending the blind approximately 10 cm above and below the window.
  3. For blinds mounted on a wooden baton: If you plan to fit your blind onto a wooden baton above the window, measure from the top of the baton to the desired endpoint where you want the blind to finish.
If you have any questions or need further assistance with measuring, feel free to contact us. We're happy to help!